From Kim Kardashians famous BBL to Kate Moss promoting skinny bodies, why are women making our bodies trends?.....
The BBL trend is no longer in style. If you’re on social media you’ve probably seen the Kardashian family, in 2014 Kim Kardashian broke the internet on the cover on paper magazine. The cover was a popped bottle of champagne sat on Kim’s famous butt, this resulted in loads of women going to get a ‘Brazilian butt lift’. After Kim got her BBL her sister Khloe Kardashian joined the trend and rumour goes around that little sister Kylie Jenner did too but hasn’t been confirmed. However, just recently there has been a spark in social media that the Kardashians have had these alleged BBL’s removed. If you look at photos from 2014 to present day you can see the change in their body’s, there bottom half of their body’s look more proportioned to the rest of their body. Curvy bodies used to be in trend and ‘slick thick’ bodies used to be celebrated in fashion and popularised by celebrities such as Lizzo and Meghan Thee Stallion, but I can’t remember the last time I saw them on the cover of a magazine.
There has been a shift in the fashion industry as being skinny is the new trend and ‘waifish girls’ are being more idolised; this could be due to runway models such as Bella Hadid and Lila Moss being more popular. In the 1990’s runway model Kate Moss idolised skinny bodies, however her body was created by drugs mostly Heroin and Coke. Recently the New York post published an article, and the headline simply said, ‘bye bye booty; Heroin Chic is back’, there was some pictures of the Kardashians and various other very slim looking influential women. We are not saying ‘bye bye’ to our booties we are saying bye to our bodies! Shapes are not trends. After this article was published many people slated the New York post. This article was talking about ‘skinny ‘being the new trend and looking like Kate in the 90s but I think they failed to realise that they are promoting eating disorders and drug usage to get women to make their bodies look like this. Someone reposted the tweet and said, ‘there is nothing *chic* about deadly drug addiction that makes you think because your slowly dying, why is this a topic in the 21st century?’
In July 2022, model Kate Moss pairs up with coca cola and does a 40th birthday promotion. When talking about her pair up she says ‘nothing tastes as good as skinny feels’. By Kate saying this statement she is not helping the world with people having eating disorders she is glorifying them and promoting anorexia in a way. There are people in the world struggling with eating disorders and anorexia and people who are struggling with this are surrounded by people who glorify being skinny and want to make themselves skinny, we are not helping society, we are the problem. Celebrities such as the Kardashians and Kate moss need to open their eyes and see that women’s bodies are not trends.